Monday, May 5, 2008

Fukuoka Parks, Gardens and Fukuoka Arboretums

Fukuoka Parks, Gardens and Fukuoka Arboretums
Parks can be found all around the city of Fukuoka and provide plenty of peaceful areas, contrasting with busy city life. Whether you are looking for recreational activities, a place to enjoy a picnic, or simply a quick jog, Fukuoka's many parks are easy to find and will not disappoint.

Particularly popular with all the family is the Fukuoka City Zoo and Botanical Gardens within Minami-koen Park, with something for even the most serious of horticulturalists. Also equally notable is the expansive Chuo Park, and the traditional landscaping at the Ohori-koen Japanese Garden. Fukuoka's main parks and gardens are below.
Fukuoka Parks and Gardens: Maizuru Park - Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, 810-0073, Japan, JP
Close to the popular Ohori-koen Japanese Garden and fairly compact in size, Maizuru Park offers a series of pleasant pathways, where many locals come each morning for a quick jog around the park. During the summer months, a number of outdoor events take place within the park, and there is always plenty of opportunity for an impromptu picnic, or simply a sit down.
Fukuoka park open: daily - 24 hours
Fukuoka park admission: free

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